Jun 30, 2024Web3_AI Hackathon | Encode ClubStarknet Txn SimulatorGaladriel L1 DevnetStarknet.jsStarknet/@react-coreStarknet Txn Simulator is a AI-Enhanced Transaction Simulator with User-Friendly Insights on Starknet | Built using Galadriel
Jun 10, 2024Agents Gizathon | Encode ClubStarknet ETH Trading AgentGizaStarknetPyTorchStarknet ETH Trading Agent is an AI agent designed to facilitate trading on the ETH/USDC pool using an AI-driven strategy. The goal is to optimize trades based on market conditions, leveraging machine learning models for prediction and decision-making.
Apr 24, 2024Scaling Web3 Hackathon | Encode ClubEthergigsEtherLink TestnetWagmi coreNext.jsEtherGig a decentralized freelancing platform connecting businesses and professionals
Apr 21, 2024Scaling Ethereum | ETH GlobalSupply-TraceSign ProtocolArbitrumSupply Trace is a DApp which is built during the Scaling Ethereum Hackathon by ETH Global where you can transparently track goods using attestations, verify the origin of goods and generate auditable trail for better supply chain management.
Dec 24, 2023FeaturedCredXDIDsDWNsVCsRecoilNext.js CredX is a platform where users can own their data with Web5, can seamlessly store and share records on decentralized web nodes (DWNs) using decentralized identifiers (DIDs).CredX also allows organizations to issue secure verifiable credentials (VCs) to users and a seamless way to verify the credentials through presentation exchange.
Feb 18, 2024zkCreditScorezk SNARKNoirVitejsqrzkCreditScore is a DApp which is built during the Circuit Breaker Hackathon by ETH Global where you can prove your credit worthiness using zk proofs. The prrofs are generated using the SNARK mechanism.
Jan 31, 2024SovIDEVMERC 721WagmiMaterial TailwindsovID is a EVM based decentralised credential management protocol built using soul bound tokens (SBTs). We have leveraged solidity smart contracts to mint digital identities and credentials as non-transferable NFTs (SBTs).
Nov 19, 2023DIF HackathonHealthX ProtocolWeb5Decentalized Identifiers (DIDs)DWNsRadix UIHeathX Protocol is a decntralized health record management platform built using web5.Users can own & carry their health history and seamlessly store and share medical records on decentralized web nodes (DWNs) using decentralized identifiers (DIDs).
Oct 6, 2023Encode X NEAR 2023 HackathonAI NFTsNear BlockchainMintbase SDKReplicate | ControlNet AI ModalAI NFTs is platform that allows artists and AI algorithms to collaborate in the creation of unique NFT artworks. You can create art from text and scribbles using ControlNet AI modal and mint NFTs on NEAR Bloackchain.
Sep 15, 2023The Actually Open AI HackathonAlpha MarketplaceArweaveDecentralized StorageGraphQLGoogle Cloud Vision APIAlpha Marketplace is an image marketplace powered by AI image classifier and deployed on Arweave Blockchain. It also utilises Arweave's universal data license (UDL) for content monetization and custom tags for data discoverability.